The Home Herbalist Apprentice
I have an enthusiasm for the thought of “a herbalist in every home and a practitioner in every town.” To bring herbal medicine back in to the home, for children to be brought up using herbal remedies and healing foods. For homes to have a kitchen cupboard full of healing foods and remedies, that bring an effect of trusting the wellbeing of our families back to ourselves.
Yes of course there will be times in our lives when it is important to go to the doctors or the Herbal practitioner. There are also many occasions when if we had the knowledge and the trust in ourselves that minor symptoms and our wellbeing can be attended to in our home.
This herbal knowledge used to be passed down through families or shared amongst women in their local communities. I feel this is a role that herbalist today can fulfil, by sharing their knowledge and experience at grass root levels, herbal wisdom will return to the home.
Amanda x
About the course
This course is the sharing of Master Herbalist Amanda Rayment’s knowledge and experience of many years both of her private practice and as a workshop facilitator. There are 9 modules over 9 months, you can download a detailed module description here.
The Home Herbalist Apprentice Course Option 1
Everything you need to study at home and for you to feel confident to prepare your own kitchen cupboard pharmacy and use its contents. Your will learn 21 herbs and natural healing techniques in depth to support you and your families health.
The Home Herbalist Apprentice Course Option 2
Only 5 places available each year
This includes everything that is offered in option 1 with the addition of homework assignment set and reviewed by Amanda. Choose 5 herbs to study from my materia medica to be included in your own herbal. This will be supported with discussion time with Amanda by Skype.