Saying yes to daily life


Saying yes to daily life

Our daily lives are such a beautiful blessing and yet are often overlooked or dismissed as unimportant, sometimes even considered mundane experiences.


Welcome World Blog

The many healing benefits of castor oil for the pelvic area of the body


The many healing benefits of castor oil for the pelvic area of the body

I often say I can not sing the praises enough of the benefits of castor oil. This golden, beautifully thick nectar soothes the body when applied through a castor oil pack.


Can exploring inwardly be of any assistance to the role of mothering?


Can exploring inwardly be of any assistance to the role of mothering?

During this last year working as a herbal practitioner focusing on women’s health and wellbeing many women have contacted me asking how best to support themselves during these unusual and sometimes challenging times.


Tea for pregnancy and new mothers - discover the benefits


Tea for pregnancy and new mothers - discover the benefits

The grandmother of herbalists today, Juliette de Bairacli Levy is often quoted as saying “Motherhood. What maturity there is in that word; all those “Os”. I couldn’t agree with her more!


Listening to the body


Listening to the body

I have received a lot of enquires during these times of the corona virus asking about the effects of the mind on the body and the body on the mind. So this is the first in a series of posts that I hope are of assistance in some way in answering the questions.
